The following is a list of dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
Artifact ID | Type | Version | URL |
cactus | jar | 13-1.6dev-20030829 | |
cglib | jar | hibernate | |
commons-beanutils | jar | 1.3 | |
commons-collections | jar | 2.1 | |
commons-digester | jar | 1.3 | |
commons-fileupload | jar | 1.0 | |
commons-lang | jar | 1.0.1 | |
commons-logging | jar | 1.0.4 | |
commons-logging-api | jar | 1.0.4 | |
commons-validator | jar | 1.0.2 | |
dom4j | jar | 1.4 | |
ehcache | jar | 0.7 | |
hibernate | jar | 2.1.2 | |
hsqldb | jar | 1.7.1 | |
jmock | jar | 1.0.1 | |
jmock-cglib | jar | 1.0.1 | |
jta | jar | 1.0.1B | |
junit | jar | 3.8.1 | |
log4j | jar | 1.2.8 | |
lucene | jar | 1.3 | |
mysql-connector-java | jar | 3.0.10-stable-bin | |
odmg | jar | 3.0 | |
oro | jar | 2.0.7 | |
servletapi | jar | 2.3 | |
struts | jar | 1.1 | |
struts-bean | tld | 1.1 | |
struts-html | tld | 1.1 | |
struts-legacy | jar | 1.1 | |
struts-logic | tld | 1.1 | |
struts-tiles | tld | 1.1 | |
jasper-compiler | jar | 4.1.30 | |
jasper-runtime | jar | 4.1.30 | |
xalan | jar | 2.4.1 | |
xdoclet-hibernate-module | jar | 1.2 | |
xerces | jar | 2.4.0 | |
xjavadoc | jar | 1.0.2 |